Undernauts: Labyrinth Of Yomi PS5

Undernauts: Labyrinth Of Yomi PS5

Undernauts: Labyrinth of Yomi is (appropriately) a deep, brooding dungeon-crawling RPG with absolutely loads of meat for fans of this old school genre to sink their teeth into. It's Tokyo, the 1970s, and something truly weird has happened - a colossal, mysterious structure has emerged from the ground. The Japanese government, acting in an unofficial capacity, throws team after team of underground explorers employed by the Cassandra Company at the strange structure. You are one of them - an undernaut. Part miner, part explorer, all too frequently a monster fighter, your job is to get to the bottom of this massive, mysterious structure (and to survive long enough to do it). The game has an old school style, with 3D graphics and a first-person point of view, accompanied by menus and text that you can use to navigate the layers of gameplay systems. There's a lot here, with rich job systems and turn-based combat, as well as a LOT of dungeon to dig through and explore. Old school RPG fans are going to love Undernauts!