Trinity Trigger PS5

Trinity Trigger PS5

The list of JRPGs that allow you to get together with a friend and form a party to play right through the story mode is depressingly short. Once you get through Bandai Namco's Tales games and Square Enix's Mana games, you're basically at the end. Those ranks are now bolstered, however, by Trinity Trigger. The game stars Cyan, the Warrior of Chaos, and his pals Elise and Zantis as they travel the world of Trinitia to find the Weapons of the Gods ahead of an apocalyptic battle with the Warrior of Order. Each of the characters is accompanied by a Trigger, an animal-like, self-aware (and voiced) creature that transforms into your weapons. You can pick up extra weapon forms while you explore dungeons, solving puzzles and getting into scraps with bosses along the way. Developer FURYU Corporation has very much gone for the look and feel of classic old-school RPGs, but the combat shoots for a fresher, more modern feel. Combat plays out in the form of fast, real-time action. Strategy comes into play when it comes to deciding what weapon-type to choose, and which of your party members is best placed to deploy it. If you're playing solo, that means switching to your most useful team member for the fight at hand. In co-op, that will mean coordinating with your friends to make sure your MVP of the moment steps up. Trinity Trigger isn't reinventing the wheel, but it does put some cool new tires and some sweet custom alloys on there.