Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles brings the full cast of characters - including Splinter, Casey Jones, April O'Neil, Baxter Stockman, The Shredder and more - to a thrilling game that will delight players young and old. Cel-shaded graphics, an engaging storyline and an unbelievable variety of moves make for a super-fun gaming experience. The games will also feature character voices from the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles TV show. In the Story Mode, up to two players must use ninja moves and hand-to-hand combat to defeat a barrage of enemies, including The Shredder and his vile band of Foot ninjas. Cinematic sequences move the story forward, while gamers - playing as their turtle of choice - punch, kick, slice and dice their way through six hard-fought stages and over 35 levels. As they progress, they will collect scrolls to unlock new attacks and special effects. As players become fighting masters, they will want to check out the Vs. Mode to challenge their friends or AI characters. These battles not only allow for play as one of the Turtles, but also give players a chance to step into the shoes of some of the game's villains.