Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet Complete Edition Switch

Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet Complete Edition Switch

Sword Art Online is one of gaming's most meta properties. A game of the visual novel about a fictional series of games, it offers up a mixture of role-playing and blistering action. This Complete Collection is the first time that Fatal Bullet has landed on the Switch, and it packs in the base game as well as the Season Pass and the 'Dissonance of the Nexus' expansion pack. This time out the action centres on Gun Gale Online, the third of the virtual worlds featured in the ever-popular SAO series. For this outing your player-created character is front and centre. Right out of the gate you're offered a deep selection of customisation options to craft your avatar with. Once you move into the game you'll encounter a world that's a far cry from the fantasy world of the original SAO. It's a bleak dystopic future peppered with wastelands where players do battle with weapons ranging from handguns to energy rifles or, if you're a certain hero making the jump from the world of SAO, a sword. Speaking of which, players who want to get closer to the action of the visual novels and manga need not worry. As well as a supporting cast that includes Asuna and Sinon players can try out a spot of swordplay in Kirito mode, in which they'll go up against the infamous Death Gun in the legendary Bullet of Bullets tournament. Throw in online multiplayer in which up to eight players can team up and an original story supervised by Sword Art Online creator Reki Kawahara and SAO fans have got a real treat on their hands.