Super Farm PS2

Hit other animals... In the face... With shovels...

The life of a farmyard animal is not easy. You get born, you hang around a bit, then you're shipped off to meet a rusty end at some low-grade abattoir. Not even all the food you can eat - proper, fattening nosh, that is; not some 95 per cent fat free hippy guff - can really compensate for such a lowly existence. Consigned to such a life, what would you do? That's right: knock seven bells of the dirty stuff out of your fellow animal chums. Welcome to the world of Super Farm.

Super Farm offers frenetic arena-based fighting around a host of locations. As in most cases, the cause of this frustration is a bird: a voluptuous turkey-hen called Pamela. Her arrival on the farm causes the 10 bored animals to compete for her affections in the only way men know how - by fighting.

Super Farm allows players to pick any one of the characters - each of which comes with specific strengths and weaknesses - and progress through a story-led adventure in order to win over the attentions of Pamela. Essentially, the game involves biffing up your fellow love-rivals using any of the many, many ways in which to inflict pain. This can involve something as simple as an ordinary anvil in the face or maybe something more complicated, like wiring them to the mains. Any way is fair - as long as Pamela approves.

A variety of mission objectives are introduced to keep the game skipping along. These can include knocking out a set number of your opponents' teeth to delivering kittens to Pamela so she can wipe her enormous bottom on them. Naturally, she's just imbibed mushrooms of the magic variety. Yes, despite the cartoon appearance, this PS2 title is also aimed at adults who love a laugh.

Indeed, the game is sprinkled with lavishly nutty cut scenes that introduce the levels and scenarios through cartoon-quality cinematics. The Super Farm world is Loony Tunes gone loopy; Disney most certainly wouldn't approve. High-quality in-game visuals - complete with destructible scenery and loads of incidental attention to detail - portray the action during each of the 16 varied levels. Complete levels and challenges and players can gain access to a host of inventive mini games, each as wacky as the main.

Super Farm delivers an amazing slice of playability in single-player. But plug a few more DualShocks and the game shines even brighter when up to four maniacs jump 'n' thump their way through stacks of unlocked levels and mini games.