Space Invaders: Invasion Day is an out-and-out, old-school, shoot 'em-up that sees our extraterrestrial enemies back doing what they do best. This time, however, the action takes place on Earth in locations spread across a major city. Players will have fifty stages to complete and ten bosses to battle against if they are to repel the Invaders.
The game features two distinct game modes. The single-player, story-mode follows the fortunes of three characters. Each individual has different attributes, weapons and story paths. Rendered cut scenes punctuate the action and help the story to develop.
The survival mode can be played by either one or two players. The objective is to collect points by destroying the marauding Invaders and blasting objects while dodging the hail of laser-death that the aliens rain down on you. In the survival-mode the game will continue relentlessly until your character's hit point meter reaches zero.
- Incredible new graphics add a modern spin to the classic gameplay
- Advanced artificial intelligence for enemies: no more just sliding down the screen at you
- Tons of extra weapons, power-ups and special bombs
- Includes a hidden version of the original 1978 Taito classic