Sly Raccoon is a vibrantly animated caper starring the charming, wry and charismatic thief Sly Cooper. Born into a family of the world's greatest thieves, Sly is given the Thievius Raccoonus, a family heirloom that is passed from generation to generation and contains all the best-kept secrets of thievery technique. On his eighth birthday five ruthless, mysterious villains break into his home, overpower his father and steal the Thievius Raccoonus. They split it five ways and each takes a piece of the legacy with them. Now, 10 years later, Sly is ready to steal it back and restore the family honour.
- Play as a raccoon burglar
- Action platform game
- Elements of stealth
- Beautiful cartoon-style graphics
- Varied, fast-paced gameplay
- For 1 player