In 1986, teenage jujitsu artist Ryo Hazuki returns to the dojo of his father, Iwao Hazuki, only to witness his murder by a Chinese man, Lan Di. Lan Di steals a mysterious artifact known as the Dragon Mirror. Ryo vows to avenge his father’s death and sets out tracing Lan Di’s path.
The best Shenmue experience
An epic legend
The world feels alive
- Updated user interface
- Choice of modern or classic controls
- Fully scalable screen resolutions
- A tale of revenge on a grand scale
- Solve the mystery of your father’s murder
- Talk to anyone, scour the world for clues
- NPCs live independent lives on their own schedule
- Faithful recreations of 1980s Japan and Hong Kong, China
- Distract yourself with arcade games, collectibles, duck racing, and more