Embark on an action-packed, worldwide adventure in the 3D remastered version of Secret of Mana. Take on the role of Randi, a young boy tasked with reviving the magical power of Mana. In order to defeat the forces of evil, Randi, Primm and Popoi must befriend the eight elementals who hold the power that comprises Mana. The legacy of Mana returns as the brave warriors set forth to bring balance back to the world.
3D Graphics
Revamped visuals for the entire game; a vivid, Mana-filled world rebuilt in 3D for the first time
Upgraded Gameplay
The original system has been reworked in an effort to realise a modern action-RPG with improved gameplay.
Interlude Episodes
Brand-new conversations showing the amusing interactions between Randi and his comrades as they travel between adventures.