A man with amnesia wanders into a town named Alvarna, where he meets Mana, a happy and helpful young woman and daughter of the local farmer. Mana takes pity on the man and gives him an empty plot of land and basic tools so that he can live for himself. Upon developing his life with a new identity, both his farm and his relationships grow, leading him to get married to his chosen bride and conceive a child with her. One day, he regains his memory and remembers why he came to Alvarna in the first place. Resuming his quest, the man leaves his young family in the middle of the night. Years later, his child continues looking after the land but has begun their own quest to find their father and discover his reasons for leaving.
Rune Factory 2: A Fantasy Harvest Moon is the sequel to 2009s critically acclaimed Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon. A spin-off from the incredibly successful Harvest Moon series, Rune Factory took all the elements that made the series so popular and invigorated it with an RPG style of play. The resulting combination of simulation and adventure mechanics made the game a winner and received high praise from critics and fans alike.
Rune Factory 2 offers the same half-farming, half-fighting hybrid design as its predecessor did, but builds upon the foundations this set to offer a bigger storyline, more monsters and the opportunity to play through two generations of characters.