"Developers that dare to venture into the ever-popular stealth genre generally experience tough competition from the likes of Konami's Metal Gear Solid series and Ubi Soft's Splinter Cell. It's a genre that many games makers are keen to gain experience with, and now Kemco has taken up the stealth-em-up challenge with the Capcom-published Rogue Ops for PlayStation 2. Rogue Ops features every plotline cliche that you might expect from your average adventure video game. It boasts a spandex-clad and well-proportioned girl named Nikki, who is on a revenge mission to bring down the forces that killed her husband and daughter some time ago. We're sure you'll agree it's nothing special, but it does make a good premise for a stealth adventure, and that's the whole point. The adventure itself is a third-person affair in which, like most other stealth games, players are charged with the task of progressing through a variety of baddy-infested levels (eight of them in this case) complete with useful ledges and corners that must be used for stealth purposes. Nikki has the ability to spy on her enemies using several handy gadgets, and she's well-versed in hand-to-hand combat. She is an ex-Green Beret after all. Most of the mission objectives entail Nikki either evading her enemies or taking them out quietly, and to do this she comes armed with stealth-ammo, dart gun, sniper-rifle and x-ray vision, to name but a few. Rogue Ops is a visually impressive effort from Kemco, and thought it doesn't have the finesse of its well-known Konami-developed competitor, it's still a game well worth experiencing."