Set against the backdrop of the conflicts within Europe of the First World War, Red Baron places the player at the controls of the various Bi- and Tri-planes planes used during that time period. The player will be charged with performing certain missions during play including spectacular aerial dogfights and bombing missions, and these will form the secondary game-play mechanic, the primary being simple survival flying at low level in a war zone.
- Mass-market appeal
- Unique style mix of realism and realistic cartoons.
- An easy arcade style control method
- Stylized real world locations, bringing an added sense of depth to the title
- A vast range of authentic situations, ranging from bombing enemy trenches, to strafing bunkers, and shooting down enemy planes in dog fights.
- Exciting missions requiring feats of daring and low flying skills.
- Multiple objectives within each mission.
- The ability to both shoot, and bomb & drop objects
- Replays encouraged by different modes and time options