The classic arcade shooter is a renowned genre that dominated the 80's with a plethora of Galaxians, Gradiuses(?) and Galagas. But arguably the best of them came in the form of Irem's R-Type. It was a simple 2D side-on scrolling shooter in which players were faced with the mighty task of defeating an enemy army whilst avoiding heavy ammunition. And the series didn't stop in the 80's either - throughout the 90's, numerous sequels, spin-offs and other incarnations have been produced. But now Irem is sadly laying the series to rest with a final outing, aptly named R-Type Final. It may be a sad day for retro enthusiasts and some of you may not have heard of the series before now, but the final offering of R-Type is definitely one of the series' better efforts. And despite being around for more than a decade, the series has strayed surprisingly little from its debut release. It's always been a thoroughbred scrolling shooter, and R-Type Final is no exception. With regards to gameplay, players are still charged with navigating a series of hostile and often complex space and planetary locales that test both dexterity and memory. Whilst it's the ultimate test of hand-to-eye co-ordination, it also sees players embracing a trial-and-error approach to each of the levels as they learn where and when the enemy will strike. There are just six stages in all, but don't let that fool you. True, the game can be completed in a little under a couple of hours, but for a classic shooter, that's actually quite respectable. And as many of you will already suspect, there's a formidable end-of-level boss waiting at the end of each area. And that's classic R-Type gameplay. In fact, with the exception of a couple of alternative routes, shortcuts and a variety of playable ships, it's an utterly faithful representation of a classic formula. R-Type, rest in peace.