Phineas & Ferb
Inspired by the top-rated animated series seen on Disney Channel and soon to debut on Disney XD, Phineas and Ferb invites fans to play as the characters Phineas and Ferb in a series of wacky, fun-filled adventures. As Phineas and Ferb, players can build the world's most outrageous roller coaster from their backyard to the city; create a humungous snow ride from a snow cone machine - in the middle of summer; and hop behind the wheel of a monster truck and navigate through a muddy obstacle course. Along the way, players can use cool gadgets and objects that give them special powers. They also can complete unique mini games and puzzles such as Welding, Wind Blaster, and "You're so busted!" mini games with Candace in order to advance through levels.
Phineas & Ferb Ride Again
Phineas and Ferb: Ride Again provides non-stop fun for fans as they build all new cool rides. Race in an awesome skateboard and mine cart, do cool tricks on your surfboard, and battle aliens in your spaceship. Players will avoid obstacles, tackle new puzzles, use cool gadgets, and participate in zany mini-games. It's an adventure with Phineas and Ferb in four new worlds inspired by familiar locations from the show. Fans can also jump into action and play as Agent P to save the day from the evil Dr. Doofenshmirtz.