The Peanuts Movie: Snoopy's Grand Adventure is a side-scrolling exploration platformer starring the hilarious gang from Charles M. Schulz' beloved Peanuts comic strip, celebrating its 65th anniversary in 2015. Help Snoopy find Charlie Brown and the gang in an elaborate game of hide-and-seek spanning the farthest reaches of Snoopy's colourful daydreams in this original title inspired by The Peanuts Movie. The Peanuts Movie: Snoopy's Grand Adventure boasts comfortable pick-up-and-play controls for an exciting, light-hearted challenge for Peanuts fans of all ages. Features: Explore Snoopy's Wild Imagination - As Snoopy ventures through fantastic worlds spun from his whimsical daydreams, he'll acquire new costumes with special abilities based on his many alter egos, including the Flying Ace. From the deep jungle to the Parisian Underground and even the Moon, each environment contains plenty of surprises for curious players to discover. New and Classic Peanuts Charm - Inspired by the gorgeously animated 3D art style and voice talent of The Peanuts Movie, The Peanuts Movie: Snoopy's Grand Adventure brings a beautiful look and feel to the wonderful characters and atmosphere of the series' past. Bring a Friend for the Journey - A second player can join the adventure as Snoopy's flying companion, Woodstock, who can help Snoopy overcome obstacles, find new ways forward, get around dangerous creatures and track down hidden collectibles.