With a hardcore physics engine and a take-no-prisoners attitude, OUTLAW GOLF takes the sport to the extreme. Try your game on one of these outrageous courses:
- Turnpike Valley Country Club - Experience golf with a special flavor - a blend of toxic waste and traffic exhaust that cries New Jersey. Note the friendly message that local denizens have colorfully painted on the tastefully placed concrete supports that allow golf and heavy traffic to coexist. Don't forget to dodge low flying airplanes!
- Crusty Leaf Country Club - Remember the Civil War? They do. So look out for stray bullets and trailer parks as you head South - where the loveliness of the golf course is offset by the ugliness of certain local denizens. On the bright side, if you've had a hankering for your first cousin, here's your chance to get married properly!
- El Diablo Country Club - Golf in this desert setting and do your part to wreck the environment. Enjoy the low flying blimps, which are no more garish than the residents, and stop in to visit Grandma and Gramps when you finish your round.