"THQ have nobly kept the tradition of motocross video games alive with their MX series of games, which have boasted such realistic features as gears with a clutch(!) as well as rather convincing rider and bike physics. Now the series widens its scope, with the release of a game featuring motocross bike and all-terrain quads going head to head. After last year's MX Unleashed, the only possible title for this new version would have to be MX Vs. ATV Unleashed. THQ is clearly very enthusiastic about motocross, which is both a sport and a sort of mechanised martial art. In fact, they are the sponsors of the 2005 World Supercross GP, the world's premier off-road bike competition. This passion has resulted in a rich and varied racing experience. As well as featuring numerous real-life bike and ATV riders, you can also get behind the wheel, handlebars, or even stick, of golf karts, dune buggies, Monster Trucks, airplanes, helicopters and Baja trucks. The 'Off Road Playground' gives you access to a plethora of events - straight races like supermoto, supercross, and hill climbs, as well as trick-based events such as freestyle and gap jump. There's more besides. You can try out the other vehicles in the game in the machine races and Monster Mash events. All this, and you can take it online and challenge people around the world as well - it's time to get your helmet out and get dirty!"