This Spike published title, developed by Grasshopper Manufacturer and directed by Kouichi Suda (who's also behind Capcom's Killer 7) takes place in Chicago and puts you in the shoes of a Zaka TV television cameraman covering a strange incident. One of three buxom female newscasters can be chosen to accompany a crew of three, made up of cameramen and sound engineers. Your job is to capture the event on film -- choose to either help people away from the horrowr, or else film the shocking scenes. Just make sure to get the story on the air -- "Scoop, truth, drama, eroticism ... get it all on film." The game revolves around your camera, with game over coming about when you've run out of tape without solving the mysteries in a stage. With tongue-in-cheek, catty style and horrific imagery, this game may keep you up all night long.