In this original creation from Capcom, players control the fate of the gallant hero Maximo, who returns home to find his kingdom in shambles. Not only is the countryside filled with hordes of the roaming undead thanks to his once trusted advisor Achille, but the scoundrel has imprisoned four beautiful sorceresses and forced Maximo's beloved, Sophia to marry him. Maximo must even confront the Grim Reaper himself as Achille's actions create havoc resounding throughout the underworld. Presented in a playful setting, Maximo must rescue the four sorceresses, restore good to the kingdom, kick Achille's butt and get back his girl. The hero's abilities and skills develop as the game advances. Over 40 power-ups and special abilities can be found throughout the game. Maximo can use his shield to defend himself or throw it like a weapon. His shield can also be powered up in many ways, including everything from attracting lightning to creating tornados. His sword can also be powered up, from a simple increase in size, to calling a meteor storm from the sky, to transforming it into a flaming blade to slice through enemies. A unique character progression system enables players to customise and upgrade their character with new skills, abilities, and weapons based on player preferences. As Maximo ventures out on his quest, his appearance changes as the game progresses. At different times, Maximo may be outfitted to wear a helmet or earn new armour, be magically transformed into "old man Maximo," "baby Maximo," or even find himself stripped down to his underwear after losing his armour. Inspired by one of Capcom's most heralded series ever, Ghosts'N Goblins, Maximo: Ghosts to Glory players will recognise many features from the classic games. As Maximo progresses through his journey he will encounter familiar looking bone towers, red gargoyles, and if he's not careful, Maximo can even lose his armour as he tries to complete an area with nothing but stylish boxer shorts to keep him warm. The game features intense game play, and also injects a clever sense of humour, keeping the game entertaining and light-hearted.