Based upon the film equivalent, which in itself is based upon a classic series of children's novels, Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events is exactly what it says it is, telling the tale of a trio of orphans who live in a world of madness where happiness is far outweighed by sorrow. Depressing as that may sound, the harsh plot of the adventure makes it very easy for a young target audience to feel connected with the game's three leads and become immersed in what is a short, but involving adventure. For the most part, you'll be assuming control of the two older orphans, Violet and Klaus. The two are interchangeable at the touch of a button. Violet, the brains, is an inventor whose creations must be used to overcome any number of obstacles in a faithful 3D game world. Conversely, Klaus is the brawn, able to combat a diverse range of hostile creatures or beings that range from rats to end-of-level bosses, including the evil Uncle Olaf himself (voiced by Jim Carrey). But there are occasions when you'll slip into the shoes of youngster Sunny, in what is arguably the most enjoyable side of the Lemony Snicket adventure. Sunny's role in the proceedings is clearly defined, as he is charged with negotiating a series of scrolling platform stages that comprise of well-timed jumps and bottom-bouncing numerous foes in a similar fashion to Crash Bandicoot. Not just a great game, the video game representation of A Series of Unfortunate Events is, like the film, a brilliantly well-told story that will leave its mark on many who come across it.