Based on the acclaimed 'Street Fighter II Turbo' system, Hyper Street Fighter II features all the different versions of each character ever to appear in a Street Fighter II title and places them in one game. This perfect reproduction of the legendary fighting game will appeal not only to those who experienced the huge phenomenon that was 2D beat 'em ups during the late 1980s and 1990s, but also young players who have never played Street Fighter II before.
While Hyper Street Fighter II utilises the character sprites and sound samples found in Super Street Fighter II Turbo, each character’s actions are faithfully replicated from each specific Street Fighter game. For example, you could have Ken from the original Street Fighter II, before his dragon punch had its additional reach and his hurricane kick performed multiple hits up against Ken from Street Fighter II Turbo. It’s going to be an epic battle through the Street Fighter universe to find out once and for all who is the ultimate warrior.
Game modes include Champion Edition, Turbo, Super, Super Turbo and World Warriors. Icons will appear on screen in place of the Super Turbo super meter, denoting which version of a character you've selected. In addition to the fighting itself, Hyper Street Fighter II will also feature a gallery mode, which will contain artwork, opening and ending sequences from all the games and credits for the various instalments.