GrimGrimoire follows a young girl called Lillet Blan on her first few days at a prestigious yet mystical magic school. Having awoken on the fifth day to find everyone at the school has mysteriously vanished, she then finds herself returned right back to the first day of term with her memories intact. Now she has an opportunity to relive the past five days all over again and discover just what happened to the school's inhabitants and maybe prevent this terrible tragedy from happening all over again.
Only the most gifted young magicians get to attend Wizardry schools and The Tower of the Silver Star is the most prestigious of the lot. This is where Lillet's adventure takes place and where she will have to use all of her cunning and magical prowess to overcome the obstacles that stand between her and the safety of her entire school.
To get to the bottom of just what happened on that fateful day Lillet has a willing army of elves and fairy units to battle her way to the answers to this mystery. With enough experience Lillet has the ability to summon demons and dragons just like the ultimate sorcerer and head of the Wizardry School, Gammel Dore.