The darker side of the James Bond universe reveals itself in GoldenEye: Rogue Agent, as you assume the role of the aforementioned agent and take on a selection of the most notorious Bond villains in some of the memorable movie settings such as the Pyramids from The Spy Who Loved Me, and the Volcano Lair from You Only Live Twice. A first-person experience with a host of combat styles from single-punch knockdowns to taking out the baddies with a harpoon or a railgun, GoldenEye: Rogue Agent trawls the Bond archive and comes up with some of the most explosive action we've seen since Pierce Brosnan got off the train somewhere in North Korea. As a Rogue Agent, you carry the SPEC-9 personal side-arm, which is never dropped and always has ammunition. Handy, you might say. But as any respectable Bond-affiliated game will attest, there's a lot more on offer than a simple handgun. The titular GoldenEye refers to the damage done to your right eye at the outset. With a new synthetic eye at your disposal, you can see enemies through cover using MRI vision, manipulate electronics and weapons using the EM Hack, deflect damage with the Magnetic Polarity Shield, and send enemies flying across the room with the Magnetic Field. More than handy, we reckon. The DS version will feature 7 levels populated with Bond baddies, and most interestingly, a wireless multiplayer version for up to eight players, which only requires one cartridge. The touch screen is used to show ammo levels and other data, as well as enabling analogue control of your budding double agent - as the Metroid Prime demo showed, the DS can offer FPS control that rivals the vaunted mouse/keyboard set-up. At some points in the game you'll have to use the screen to hack electronic devices and decode security locks. This DS version also contains the exclusive `Virtual Training' mode, where you can battle Bond villains to acquire new weaponry and hone your skills. With the E.V.I.L. AI still controlling the in-game enemies meaning that the game never plays the same way twice, GoldenEye: Rogue Agent is literally a blast.