Gauntlet Dark Legacy PS2

The Gauntlet series is one of the longest running franchises around. The game originally impacted on the arcades around 1985, and made a huge impression on the game-playing public. The series continued to evolve and sell, but ran into a drought for the most part of nineties. But the series came back, and in full 3D, for the releases of the previous generation's consoles. And now, Dark Legacy has been produced for the latest super-console, PlayStation 2. As usual, the evil Garm is up to his old tricks and it's up to an elite team of beings who you control, to set him straight. Naturally, and in Gauntlet tradition, Dark Legacy is indeed a four-player game. This time, you will be venturing across eight unique and hostile worlds, infested with literally thousands of evil beings that must be slashed, zapped or escaped. Your strategy will most likely be influenced by your chosen character. For example, Warrior is a combat-based player who will generally be useful in close-combat situations, whereas Wizard's advantages are his spells and long distance attacks. Fortunately for PS2 owners, this version of Dark Legacy features levels that are entirely exclusive to the format. The usual features include maze-like levels and hundreds of potions and power ups, and with twenty hidden characters, plenty of gold digging and fantastic multi-player options, this really is the ultimate Gauntlet.