FlatOut PS2

Flat-Out is an adrenaline-filled racing game that brings cheap, rusty, banged-up cars to battle it out on intensive closed courses. First one to the finish line hogs not only the road but also most of the prize money, so it's every man for himself with all means necessary. All cars start off side-by-side, making it possible for any contestant to come into (and if lucky, out of) the critical first turn as the head of the pack. As the track then quickly narrows down the race can easily turn into a very busy wrecking site. This leaves the player with two options: either to give in to the road rage or to attempt surviving the clash without taking too much damage. Since many couch-motorists enjoy totalling cars into unidentifiable heaps of trash metal, they are granted the possibility of doing so - with style. Cutting edge damage modelling techniques and detailed visual car damage unleash the full potential of virtual racing. We have developed totally new graphics and physics engines for Flat-Out, bringing unrivalled detail in terrain and cars. Flat-Out introduces a whole new level of realism in driving games - a culmination of environment dynamics, car and environment damage systems and convincing driving feel.