Final Fantasy X immerses the player into the world of Spira, a mythical land where technology has been shunned in favour of the inhabitants' main obsessions, the Yevon faith and Blitzball (an underwater fusion of water polo and martial arts).
Spira is under constant threat from a mysterious evil entity known as "Sin". This sinister force periodically returns to cause havoc and devastation causing utter panic and terror for Spira's inhabitants. Only the "last Summoning" (a power only possessed by Summoners) can ultimately defeat Sin.
Throughout Final Fantasy X, you must control the actions of multiple characters whose destinies are inextricably linked. The lead character Tidus (the star player of the Zanark and Abes Blitzball team) is sucked into the Sin entity when it attacks Zanarkand during a major Blitzball game, and the epic tale begins...
- Milestone role-playing game
- High polygon, motion-captured characters
- Camera automatically adjusts to character movement
- Voiceovers for the first time in the series
- Rotate characters in and out at any time