If you fancy yourself as an equine expert or if you have just started riding, Equestrian Training is the best way to become truly knowledgeable on all things horse related! The training mode will allow you to revise all of the facts required to achieve optimum Horse knowledge and care. When you feel confident enough select the exam mode and see how well you do! Your progress will also be tracked in the game so you will see your knowledge grow as you play. The games mode will give you the choice between three different games - Endurance: achieve the best average speed for each course; Obstacle Course: win the obstacle courses without making mistakes and while beating the instructor's time; Grooming: change the horse's grooming according to circumstances including trek, dressage test and competition. The game offers budding equestrians the chance to revise all of the knowledge required to achieve stages one to four. As they go, users will learn definitions of equestrian terms, as well as be able to watch their progress rise as they gain further knowledge thanks to in-game statistics.