Drawn To Life DS

Drawn To Life DS

The pen is truly mightier than the sword! Yeah, we've never been convinced of that, either. But when the pen in question is actually the DS Stylus and it's allowing you to create all manner of characters, weapons, tools, animals and just about anything else in a game, maybe it's actually true. Drawn to Life takes players into the Raposa's village, where a creeping darkness has taken the sun, moon and sky. While this is a pretty terrible thing to happen (what's above you when there's no sky?) all is not lost. Enter the player, with god head firmly screwed on and stylus in hand. Players will kick off by creating a hero to help the village. Not only that, but players will be able to draw in the Book of Life to provide the Raposa with rain, snow and even sun or moonshine. Don't think it's going to be that straightforward, however, because once you've created your hero using an array of colours, brushes, patterns and stamps, you'll need to take him on a sidescrolling platform adventure to do battle with the darkness. The creation doesn't end there, however. Players can create objects on the fly to use as in-level aids, be they platforms, weapons or even vehicles. If you've ever fancied playing God and then mucking in with your creations, give Drawn to Life a shot.