Bored with his everyday life working in Ducklair Tower as a security guard and sick of being put upon by his girlfriend Daisy, three nephews and Uncle Scrooge McDuck, Donald Duck makes a wish to become a superhero. Unbeknownst to him, someone was listening: Computer One, a super-computer hidden in the tower, enrols Donald as the new Superhero of the Future, PK. PK discovers that an evil race called the Evronians plan to secretly invade Earth and to transform its inhabitants into slaves, the CoolFlames. PK's mission becomes clear: he must use his brand new powers to rescue the Evronians hostages and save the earth! Features
- Explore four different worlds, including the Evronians Underwater Base, Ducklair Tower and the Mothership.
- Use the powerful X - Transformer to blast your enemies, and discover new powers as you progress through the game including X-Ray and Headhunter missiles.
- Play as Donald PK for the first time ever, an all-new comic character.
- Fight many different types of enemies including the Evronian, infantry soldiers, Cool flames and surfers.