Disney's Extreme Skate Adventure marks the first time Disney stars Buzz Lightyear and Woody (from Toy Story) Young Tarzan and Terk (from Tarzan) and Simba and Rafeeki (from The Lion King) have featured in the same video game. Players skate as their favourite characters, performing moves such as ollies, rail grinds, spins and other expert balance moves. The characters from the film can skate through each of their worlds, such as Simba and Rafeeki in Pride Rock, Young Tarzan and Terk in Tarzan's Treehouse and Buzz Lightyear and Woody in Pizza Planet, and interact with the other characters that live in those worlds. The game also provides an abundance of fun factor and offers players skateboards that resemble bamboo rafts, frying pans and other non-traditional items. Beyond the skateboard challenge there are puzzles to solve, secret areas to explore and collectibles to find on each level of the game.