BLUE REFLECTION: Second Light follows the adventures of three students - Ao Hoshizaki, Kokoro Utsubo, and Yuki Kinjou - who find themselves transported to a mysterious floating academy, searching for clues to find their way back home, with only their names as memories. One day, a path leading to a new land appears, but when the three protagonists set off to unravel the mystery, they are met by a horde of deadly monsters. By battling the fiendish creatures, they unlock unknown powers that only seem to deepen the cryptic nature of their surroundings. Follow the adventures of three student - Ao Hoshizaki, Kokoro Utsubo and Yuki Kinjou - who find themselves transported to a mysterious floating academy, searching for clues to find their way back home, with only their names as memories. Explore the mysterious locations that surround the academy. Fiendish creatures lurk in these lands, though the girls are able to tap into their unknown powers to use a wide range of abilities that will give them a fighting chance. Make friends with the fellow attendees at the academy and work alongside them to build the their ideal academy. Through deepening friendship they will eventually grow closer to the mystery of this world and the reason they lost their memories. Craft items with friends from the academy. Depending on the character combinations chosen, the completed items can change and even trigger special conversations.